Freedom Eagle fans, we are excited to start the 2024-25 School Year!

Freedom fans,

This is a reminder that we are using Hometown Ticketing for our online ticket sales. Click the link below to get your account set up.

Purchase Tickets to Freedom High School Sporting Events

We look forward to seeing you at our events!

  • Admission: $6 (online tickets only)
    • PWCS Employees with Badge - Free Admission
    • Freedom High School Staff with PWCS Employee Badge - Free Admission for staff member and spouse/children
    • Children Under School Age - Free Admission
    • Senior Citizens 62 and over - Admission

All athletic event ticket sales may only be purchased online. Concessions at Freedom will continue to be cash only.

NOTE: No bags are allowed into events. (Medical and diaper bags must be clear)

There is a strict no re-entry policy for all events.

We hope that you will be able to support our Freedom Athletes!!

Schedule of Athletic Competitions

View Cardinal District schedules.

Freedom High School Sports Contact List for 2024-25

Sport First Name Last Name Email Address
Director of Student Activities Thomas Annunziata [email protected]
Assistant Director of Student Activities Hannah Bush [email protected]
Athletic Trainer Kristina Baehr [email protected]
Football Paul Ronga [email protected]
Volleyball Lorraine Morales [email protected]
Golf Jeremy Scott [email protected]
Cross Country Kenja Hanniford [email protected]
Cheerleading Chantelle Dunston [email protected]
Field Hockey Roxana Cubias [email protected]
Boys Basketball Michael Harris [email protected]
Girls Basketball Mia Alexis Lloyd [email protected]
Wrestling John Elliot [email protected]
Swimming Katherine Parr [email protected]
Indoor Track Kenja Hanniford [email protected]
Baseball Alex Trevino [email protected]
Softball Adam Brown [email protected]
Boys Lacrosse Lamar Howard [email protected]
Girls Soccer Kipi Koduah [email protected]
Boys Soccer Marcanthony Santana [email protected]
Outdoor Track Kenja Hanniford [email protected]
Boys Tennis      
Girls Tennis      
Color Guard
Thomas Thorogood [email protected]

Participation Requirements

All students are allowed to participate in the sports program provided they meet the following requirements:

  • The student shall have been promoted to the ninth grade.
  • The student shall have passed, at the end of the semester, at least five credits with a minimum of 2 C's and 3 D's.
  • The student must be enrolled in at least five classes for the current semester.
  • Before tryouts can take place, the student shall have completed the annual Concussion Training Class either in person or completed through ParentVUE and submitted a completed physical form signed by parent/guardian, physician, and student. The physical must be dated after May 1, 2024, and is good for the entire 2024-25 school year.
  • The student and parent must complete and sign an Emergency Care Card(s) and turn it in to the Freedom High School Athletic Office.
  • The student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before August 1, 2024.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions, visit the Freedom High School Athletics website or contact the Activities Office at 703-583-1405.