Freedom Bistro

black background with gold dots and an image of a fork and knife crossed over each other with text the freedom bistro

Welcome to The Bistro!

The Freedom Bistro is a student-led restaurant that offers a variety of lunch and dessert choices to the great teachers at Freedom High School! The Bistro is operated by our amazing students in our special education programs.

The Bistro provides an opportunity for our students to acquire, practice, and generalize a multitude of skills that will help them be successful at work and in life once their time at Freedom has ended. When working in The Bistro students experience a variety of roles and responsibilities including food safety, food preparation, menu planning, customer service, kitchen clean up, grocery shopping, restocking, and money skills. Our students also learn how to work independently and cooperatively as a member of a team.

Our students work hard to provide a pleasant dining experience and delicious food. We look forward to serving you!