Logging in to Zoom

Logging into your Zoom classes through Canvas

  1. At the start of your class time, go to that course in Canvas to open the class Zoom meeting.
  2. Click on the “Zoom – New" link to access the Zoom meeting.
  3. Click the "Join" button to join the Zoom meeting. 
  4. Wait for the teacher to admit you to the Zoom meeting.

Activate/Authenticate Your Zoom Account

There are 2 options for authenticating your Zoom account.

Option 1

1. Open the Chrome browser and go to zoom.us. Select "Sign In".

Screenshot of Zoom sign in

2. Select "Sign in with SSO."

Screenshot of Zoom account set up

3. Type in the company domain: pwcs-zm-edu

4. Select Continue

5. Sign in with your Office 365 email (same as Canvas and StudentVUE)

6. Select Open when prompted to return to Zoom

Option 2

Activating your Zoom account through Office 365. (PDF)